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Quality Guarantee

When you purchase electronic components from IC360, you are protected by our guarantee.

We are so confident in our supplier network that in the rare event that the components you purchase from IC360 Electronics Ltd fail to meet manufacturer specifications (within 1 year from date of purchase) we will either replace the parts or refund the purchase price.

Delivery guarantee and order tracking
You are given a firm dispatch date with every order you place as well as access to our online tracking system so you can monitor the dispatch of your delivery - you can even request an email or fax every time a shipment is dispatched, with the delivery tracking number and delivery date! This system enables you to track your goods in transit and keeps you informed and up to date at all times.

Quality and ESD checked shipments
Every shipment is examined for quality by one of our highly qualified and ESD trained personnel as part of IC360; Your orders are carefully packed using shielded, conductive or vacuum-sealed packaging where necessary, so you get your parts in perfect condition. In addition, all our suppliers are constantly monitored, which means you receive the highest standard of quality.

At IC360 Electronics we believe that quality and attention to detail makes all the difference, which is why quality is not just a word we use; it is a way of working that we embrace.

The commitment to quality begins with ensuring our suppliers conform to our stringent quality processes, continues with our in-house quality checks and extends right through to our Quality Guarantee.

Expert sourcing through our global, quality assured offices give full traceability to ISO 9001:2015 compliant standards. This combined with comprehensive testing services from X-Ray to full functional testing and the IC360 Guarantee allows you to buy with complete confidence.




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